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Amanda Lowe

Yes, her eyelashes are real.
Amanda first got involved with improv comedy in high school after she was rejected (multiple times) from performing with her school’s musical theater program. They sure thought she was funny though, and she secured a spot in the improv troupe that the school was beta-testing at the time. After her stint with high school comedy, she made her way to Boston where she took classes at and eventually performed with Improv Boston (R.I.P). Amanda found her way to the Dallas Comedy Club in 2023, and has performed with Horned Up For Little Debbies, Beefy, People People, S.F, and now Primetime! Don’t let her RBF stop you from saying hello – she loves people (and performing for them)!
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Allison Krauska

Brittany Taylor

Brittany has been performing at DCC since 2022, where she was DELIGHTED to find such an amazing comedic community. Her biggest claim to fame is her reality TV role on Encore on Disney+. Her favorite menu items are Diet Coke & Rum and the Sweet Chili Wings. After the show, buy her anything off the menu, and she will shamelessly and enthusiastically accept… Thanks in advance.

Camille Long

Camille attended her first improv show in 2014, and her life was radically and beautifully altered forever. She holds a BFA in performance from UTA and would like her theater professors to know they were wrong about everything. Since graduation from Dallas Comedy House in 2015, she has managed to “Lucy Ricardo” her way into several theaters and troupes across the metroplex and Chicago, but calls Dallas Comedy Club her home. She plays the same basic three characters consistently in some facet. They include, the Statue of Liberty, Broken Barbie, and Yenta from “Fiddler on the Roof”. You can see her perform in Primetime and with the Harold team All Time Faves, and well, anything that will have her.

Chris Hansen

Chris has been an avid member of the Dallas comedy community since 2017. He has been on multiple house teams and takes great pleasure in coaching and teaching others the craft of comedy. When not performing, you might find Chris singing karaoke at a local dive bar, playing a fun board game that you’ve never heard of, or drinking a Diet Coke at the bar.
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Dane Robertson

After a mildly successful high school speech and debate career, Dane’s comedy redemption arc began with improv in 2016. Since then, he’s graced the stage with construction-themed slam poetry, Jim Carrey impressions, and a 17th place finish in a national pun contest. A regular host of Primetime, Dane uses his warm and calming presence to charm people into sharing their deepest secrets in a roomful of strangers. Otherwise, you can find him producing the improvised slideshow show People Presenting Things or drinking water on the patio couch.
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Dan States

Dan States is excited about joining the cast of Primetime! He’s fairly new to the Dallas comedy scene, but he has jumped in with both feet – and all the other body parts, as well. He loves performing with various teams at Dallas Comedy Club. Before that, he has been seen in various plays throughout the Metroplex on stages at the Bath House Cultural Center, the Pocket Sandwich Theater, the Kalita Humphreys Theatre, Contemporary Theater of Dallas and Pegasus Theatre to name a few. He has been a member of the Deep Ellum community since 2003 with his lovely wife, Jessie and goofy dog, Carlton. When not playing or taking in a show at DCC, he can be spotted at various music venues throughout the neighborhood watching a band or simply grabbing a drink and maybe participating in some pub trivia. If you want to know anything else, you’re just gonna have to ask him!
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Donald Bennett

Donald, A.K.A. Las Colinas’ original bad boy, has been doing improv since 2017 because he was tired of drinking alone and trying to make his asleep roommates laugh. He’s been involved in a handful of house teams, both long and short, and has even begun coaching and teaching because he’s that talented.
His proudest moment in comedy is when he told a joke in a church show that made an old man in the back stand up, give him a silent thumbs down, and promptly leave. If he’s not doing comedy, he’s either out playing disc golf or reading comic books. He loves talking about both, so feel free to approach him about either one.
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Drew Walton

Emily Baudot

Emily Baudot’s a comedian with a love for character study. Her performing career began in Deep Ellum’s Dallas Comedy House in 2015. There, she studied long form improv and sketch, and performed with several house improv teams. Ever since, she’s appeared in venues across the DFW metroplex, including Dallas Comedy House, Rover Dramawerks, Four-Day Theater, Stomping Ground, and now at the Dallas Comedy Club. When she isn’t being goofy in weekend short form shows, she’s writing original monologues or getting weird with her organic long form troupe, Don’t Broken, Not Fixin’. She also loves making allies smile in Stefan Newman’s Queer Factor variety show. Most recently, she performed the pieces “C*NT” and “The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could” in DCC’s special fundraising production of the Vagina Monologues.
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Josh Edwards

Josh started his comedy career in 2018, when he performed at his first open mic at Backdoor Comedy Club. Over the past 6 years he’s done stand-up, sketch, improv, storytelling, musical improv, and family friendly shows all over DFW, but DCC is where he calls home. He performs on various long form, short form, and musical teams, including Queer Factor, Butt Gay, People People, Rodgers & Hammertime, and Primetime! In 2019 he worked for Borden Dairy Company as their mascot, Elsie the Cow, making appearances at the Texas State Fair and Dallas Mavericks games. When he’s not on stage making people laugh, he’s either at home crafting clay creations (you like that alliteration?) or vibing at a music festival.

Katherine Smith

Katherine started performing improv comedy over 10 years ago at Vanderbilt University with a team called Tongue ‘N’ Cheek. She continued to develop her improv style with teams in Los Angeles and New York. As a Dallas native, Katherine has been so happy to return home and join the improv community here at Dallas Comedy Club.
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Katie Ritter

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Lauren Oxford

Lauren is a Dallas native whose improv journey began in the year [redacted] as a high school senior. She is a graduate of the Dallas Comedy House and Stomping Ground Comedy long-form improv programs and has a degree in Theatre from the University of Puget Sound. When she’s not teaching or performing improv, Lauren trains clients with Beefcake City, an inclusive virtual fitness space.
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Pablo Mares

Pablo Mares has been improvising since 2015, having completed the training programs at Four Day Weekend in 2016 and Dallas Comedy House in 2018. Pablo has performed throughout North Texas with improv groups, including Fishbulb, Junk Science, and Clementine. He has also performed in NYC at the Del Close Marathon in 2016, 2017, and 2018. Pablo now performs on Fridays and Saturdays at Dallas Comedy Club with All Time Faves, TGIF, and Primetime. Pablo is an expert Magic the Gathering player and knows everything about the 7-11 hotdog roller, in case you have questions.

Stefan Newman

It’s Stefan! By day, he works at a boring tech job doing data and analytics stuff that everyone immediately forgets about as soon as he explains it to them. By night, he is an improviser and comedian who produces shows and performs all over town. He started improvising in 2018 at the Dallas Comedy House and is currently a regular performer at the Dallas Comedy Club, where he produces the variety show Queer Factor and performs with the improv troupe Butt Gay.
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Steve Evans

Steve has been performing since the fifth grade when Mrs. Johnson made him the lead in the school play because he was the only one that remembered his book. He has been graded “Satisfactory” ever since. Growing up, Steve’s best friend was television, which taught him British comedy and Hall of Justice characters, but no music references because MTV was banned in Haltom City, Texas. A graduate of Four Day Weekend and Dallas Comedy House programs, Steve has performed throughout Texas and NYC, and you can catch him weekly at DCC on Primetime and with the Harold team All Time Faves.